“Mother Holle”

“Mother Holle”

Craft Project, Folklore, Learning, Midwinter, Picture Book Buds, Recipes, Winter
Picture Book Buds are a fun and easy way to incorporate literacy into nature study. Read a book (you can even read it outside!) and then enjoy the related activity and snack suggestions! Mother Holle Written by: The Grimm Brothers & Illustrated by: John Stewig Mother Holle is a classic Grimm’s fairytale in which a mistreated step sister falls down a magical well to a fairy realm where she is rewarded for being kind to Mother Holle with gold. (There is of course also a “bad” sister who does everything wrong and is punished in proper Grimm fashion.) The moral of the story is that “industrious children are rewarded and lazy children are punished” although I like to view it in a more modern sense- that kindness is rewarded. Mother Holle…
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Hibernating Bear Countdown Clock

Hibernating Bear Countdown Clock

Craft Project, Folklore, Midwinter, Nature Art, Winter
A few years ago I read about a folktale in passing that completely captivated me. It said that bears hibernating in their dens turn over on Midwinter. I spent years trying to track down this folktale, and finally determined it is a Norwegian story. I still haven't found a text, but I have done a ton of research and written my own retelling. (More on that later) In Celtic tradition this time of year is called Imbolc and in that climate people are starting to see signs of spring. In many other parts of the world, mine included, Midwinter is the dead of winter with the worst still to come. I like to call this holiday Midwinter, not just because it is the secular names, but because it is so…
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What is Midwinter?

What is Midwinter?

Craft Project, Folklore, Midwinter, Winter
Midwinter is a celebration halfway between the Winter Solstice (the official start of winter) and the Spring Equinox (the official start of spring.) It is a time that straddles between winter and spring. The date changes slightly from year to year, but is generally on or around February 2nd. It is what is known as a “cross quarter” day on the Wheel of the Year. These days are seasonal midpoints in between the “quarters” or solstices/ equinoxes. This celebration in the dead of winter is about looking forward to spring, and while it often doesn’t feel that way, the days are steadily getting longer and brighter and the earth is slowly waking up from its slumber. Deep underground seeds are just beginning to think about stirring. Sap is starting to…
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Brigid Weaving

Brigid Weaving

Craft Project, Midwinter, Nature Collection, Winter
Brigid's crosses are a traditional thing to make this time of year in Ireland and the UK. They are part of the observance of Imbolc which is one of the many names and traditions surrounding Midwinter. I have never really gotten very into these because crosses aren't my thing, but upon further research they almost certainly predate the cross as a Christian symbol and were just repurposed by the church when the goddess Brigid became a saint. Most people recognize the four armed version, but there are literally hundreds of different ways to make these little weavings, many of which are hyper local to specific areas and towns. Most frequently they are made with rushes or straw, but the material used can also change depending on the area. I like…
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Frost Moon Sun Catcher

Frost Moon Sun Catcher

Craft Project, Frost Moon, Full Moon, Play, Winter
This sun catcher uses the exact same solution as my frost paint, but creates a thick layer in a clear lid instead of a thin layer on a piece of paper. It's extremely simple to make, but will take several days to dry out completely. It is a super saturated salt solution which will grown into crystalline feathers as the water evaporates. Because it's trapped in a plastic lid instead of expose to the air on your paper it will take longer. It’s fairly unpredictable and it’s best to embrace that and enjoy the process. The way the crystal grow is similar to the way frost forms! Materials: 1/2 cup epsom salt 1/2 cup water jar with a lid a clear plastic lid watercolor (optional) Method: Put the epsom salt…
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Scented Crystal Snowflakes

Scented Crystal Snowflakes

Craft Project, Full Moon, Play, Snow Moon, STEAM, Winter
Another snowflake project to celebrate the snow moon! Can you really even have enough snowflakes? This would be a great project to do with a snow lesson, Snowflake Bentley, White Snow Bright Snow and the Story of Snow are all favorite books in our house. Snowflakes are a type of crystal that forms around a bit of dust or debris as it falls from the sky and famously each one is unique. Scented Crystal Snowflakes I’ve always loved making borax crystals– I supersaturate the borax solution so that larger crystals form. Most recipes use a lot less borax and that will work, but it will form much smaller crystals.I like to add essential oil to the solution so that it smells nice, but it's completely optional. Ingredients: White or blue…
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Snow Cream

Snow Cream

Full Moon, Play, Recipes, Snow Moon, Winter
I didn’t realize until adulthood that snow cream is a peculiarity of the Mid-Atlantic states-- we aren’t quite in sugar on snow territory-- but we still get a fair amount of snow. The recipe is a loose guideline at best-- get some snow, add something creamy and sweet to it and eat it quickly before it melts. When I was a kid it was always chocolate syrup, as an adult I like the creaminess of the condensed milk and vanilla. I almost never make this quantity, instead we fill individual bowls up with snow and add the condensed milk to taste with extremely imprecise measurements. However if you want to use up a whole can of condensed milk, this is how you do it. Ingredients: 8 ish cups of clean…
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Paper Snowflakes for the Snow Moon

Paper Snowflakes for the Snow Moon

Craft Project, Full Moon, Play, Snow Moon, Winter
February is the snowiest month where I live, and according to the National Weather Service it’s the snowiest month nationwide. According to the Farmer's Almanac’s list, this month’s full moon is called the Snow Moon based on the report of Captain Jonathan Carver, a colonial expedition leader who claimed the Lakota people called it that. The translation of the Lakota name that I have found is substantially more poetic: When Trees Crack Because of Cold Moon. Similarly, the Abenaki people observe the Makes Branches Fall in Pieces Moon. The Arapaho call this the Frost Sparkling in the Sun Moon, and the Comanche call it the Sleet Moon. One of the simplest ways to celebrate this snowy full moon (aside from just going outside and playing in the snow!) is to…
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Bird Watching Hike

Bird Watching Hike

Hike Ideas, Learning, Nature Journaling, Valentine's Day, Winter
February is the perfect time to go bird watching! It's much easier to spot birds before the trees have all leafed out, and many birds are super active this time of year. There is long held folkloric belief that February is when birds begin to pair up and make nests, which likely plays into the modern themes of Valentine's Day. They do begin to make nests this time of year as many types of birds time the hatch of their young for early spring when insects start emerging. February is also the month of the Great Backyard Bird Count– a great opportunity to participate in a citizen science project and have fun outdoors. Log the bird friends you spot to help scientists track bird’s patterns and migration. Recording bird sightings in…
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Love Bird Tea

Love Bird Tea

Play, Recipes, Valentine's Day, Winter
I have always found Valentine’s Day to be kind of a weird holiday (full disclosure, its also my birthday.) Recently I have shifted my thinking about it somewhat by diving into nature and winter birds and the start of nest making season. In fact, theer is scholarship that suggests that this holiday intially came about way back when because it is when birds would pair off and start building nests. it's one of those important signs that spring will eventually be here-- the birds know! After making a variety of bird feeders, nesting material holders and other treats for winter birds we decided that we needed some treats too! What better way to celebrate lovebirds and Valentine's Day then with these easy and delicious lovebird toasts! We drank hot chocolate…
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