Winter Solstice Pomander Bath Bombs

Winter Solstice Pomander Bath Bombs

Bath & Body, Craft Project, Folklore, Winter, Winter Solstice
One of the things that love the most about the Wheel of the Year is that it celebrates nature and the changing of the seasons. It is often thought of as a strictly Celtic/ Gaelic construct, but in reality people all over the world celebrate these midpoints in nature is surprisingly similar ways. (Those that are in reasonably similar climates that is.) Ancient people in temperate climates were observing generally the same seasonal changes, the same fluctuation in light and it was understandably important to them. The longest night of the year, and the return of lighter days was noteworthy not just in Europe, but also in Iran, China, and Japan. In Japan, the Winter Solstice is called Tōji. With roots in the Chinese philosophy of ying & yang, the…
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Midwinter Nature Activities for Kids

Midwinter Nature Activities for Kids

Bath & Body, Craft Project, Midwinter, Nature Art, Recipes, Winter
Ten ways to celebrate the Midwinter with kids!! Pin for later! Click the pictures below for more info. (Tutorials for the candles and moon milk will be in my upcoming Midwinter guide!) Midwinter is an inward facing, puttering kind of celebration, in contrast to all of the pomp of the December holidays. It’s cleaning out the old and looking forward to the new-- spring, new gardens and days filled with light all while staying cozy and warm. You can celebrate by making soap, candles, tidying the house, pouring over seed catalogs, laying out garden plans, forcing branches or making traditional foods with milk, honey and seeds. It's a great time to practice hygge, taking pleasure in slower, simple things.
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Midwinter Cleaning. Of Children.

Midwinter Cleaning. Of Children.

Bath & Body, Craft Project, Midwinter, Play
Historians disagree on the origin of colloquialism “spring cleaning, '' but there is some evidence to support that it was originally a Midwinter tradition, not a spring one. The season’s association with the hearth and preparing for spring make sense. Many historical traditions reference cleaning out the old year at Midwinter. Consequently, this is a great time of year to craft cleaning products, soap and bath bombs. We naturally spend more time inside in the deep of winter, so it makes sense to turn our attention to cleaning out our physical spaces and ourselves. The kids and I try to make at least 1 new soap each year and they are much more inclined to use said soap because they make it and it's special. We also love to make…
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