The Sunniest Sun Bread

The Sunniest Sun Bread

Play, Recipes, Winter, Winter Solstice
Sun Bread is a sweet book by Elisa Kleven that doesn't specifically mention the Winter Solstice, but revolves around bringing the sun back after a period of cold gray weather so it's a perfect fit. Making your own sun bread is a popular activity this time of year and there is even a recipe in the back of the book. That recipe contains wheat which I am allergic to however, and some other things that may not work for your family. So what to do? I struggled with this a lot when I first found our I was a celiac, especially around the holidays. There re so many fun traditional breads finding gluten free versions of them was nearly impossible. But then I figured out the secret. Good base recipes. All…
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Winter Solstice Pomander Bath Bombs

Winter Solstice Pomander Bath Bombs

Bath & Body, Craft Project, Folklore, Winter, Winter Solstice
One of the things that love the most about the Wheel of the Year is that it celebrates nature and the changing of the seasons. It is often thought of as a strictly Celtic/ Gaelic construct, but in reality people all over the world celebrate these midpoints in nature is surprisingly similar ways. (Those that are in reasonably similar climates that is.) Ancient people in temperate climates were observing generally the same seasonal changes, the same fluctuation in light and it was understandably important to them. The longest night of the year, and the return of lighter days was noteworthy not just in Europe, but also in Iran, China, and Japan. In Japan, the Winter Solstice is called Tōji. With roots in the Chinese philosophy of ying & yang, the…
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Winter Tree Weaving

Winter Tree Weaving

Craft Project, Foraging, Nature Art, Nature Collection, Play, Winter, Winter Solstice
This is another great simple craft for littles to do as a part of my Winter Walk party or just for a fun afternoon! This pretty decoration is easier for little hands to make than a wreath, but just as pretty! My kiddos aren't that little anymore, but they were both very excited to make these as well. A grown up or older friend can put together the frame and then younger friends can collect pieces of evergreen and herbs to weave in. We used evergreens, holly and some sage and rosemary that are still going strong in the garden. You don't need a proper weaving technique here, just wiggle the pieces in enough to hold things in place. This look awesome on a winter nature table, or equally lovely…
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Magic Crystal Geode Lanterns

Magic Crystal Geode Lanterns

Craft Project, Winter, Winter Solstice
Fall and winter are prime lantern time, and I am constantly thinking of different ways to make lanterns this time of year. It feels like it suddenly gets dark at 4 or 5 pm so the desire for more light is almost instinctive I think. Winter and Winter Solstice seem like the perfect time for sparkly magical lanterns, and they have serious snow queen vibes. It was really hard to capture the extreme sparkliness in photos, so I did my best, but these are way more sparkly in person. This is actually a pretty simple craft, but will need too cool overnight and dry out for at least another day.These little lanterns are perfect for a Winter Solstice lantern walk or party! Magic Crystal Geode Lanterns I’ve always loved making…
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Fun Winter Solstice Craft Ideas for Kids

Fun Winter Solstice Craft Ideas for Kids

Craft Project, Nature Art, Nature Collection, Winter, Winter Solstice
Looking for fun crafts to do with (or without...) kids for the Winter Solstice? Click the text next to the images for the tutorials. Save for later! Lanterns & Light Crafts: Make a star shaped Winter Solstice lantern to light the longest night! Craft these simple snowy tree lanterns from a recycled jar and some unexpected evergreen plants. Geode Lanterns Make ice lanterns with natural materials! Orange Pomander candles are the perfect way to decorate a winter nature table Ornaments & Decorations: Make Winter Solstice Tree & sun ornaments with a golden sun tree topper Make beautiful spice mosaic ornaments Craft some stars from twigs Make some woodsy mushroom ornaments Craft dried orange garlands to decorate your home Decorate your windows with lovely stars that also diffuse scent Gifts &…
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Aurora Borealis Pinecones

Aurora Borealis Pinecones

Campfire, Craft Project, Folklore, Nature Art, Winter, Winter Solstice
The Northern Lights or aurora borealis, is a natural phenomenon caused by energized particles from the sun hitting the Earth's upper atmosphere. The earth's magnetic field directs these particles towards the poles which is wy they are more visible there. The result of this atmospheric bombardment is beautiful colored lights dancing in the sky that have inspired human observers for a millenia. The famous Italian astronomer Galileo gave the lights their name in 1619, but the earliest known record of the phenomena is a 30,000 year old cave painting in France. Galileo named the light for the Greek goddesses of the of dawn, Aurora, and the north wind, Boreas. They feature in folktales and myths from around the world. The Inuit people believe they are spirits, while the Vikings attributed…
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The Best Winter Solstice Party Ideas

The Best Winter Solstice Party Ideas

Craft Project, Nature Collection, Play, Recipes, Winter, Winter Solstice
We love to celebrate the changing of the seasons and the longest night! Looking for some fun and easy ways to celebrate with friends and family? Check out some of of favorite parties and celebrations! Fun for all ages! Winter Solstice Bonfire Party A warm bonfire is always welcome on a cold winter day and the perfect way to have fun with friends outside for the Winter Solstice. Ancient people traditionally burned huge bonfires on the Solstice to welcome back the sun. So invite some friends over to welcome back the sun and keep toasty warm while celebrating! Make sure you have plenty of chairs and warm blankets to keep everyone cozy. Hot chocolate is always a good choice this time of year, you can even make it over the…
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Simple Snowy Tree Lanterns

Simple Snowy Tree Lanterns

Craft Project, Nature Art, Play, Winter, Winter Solstice
This is a winter variation on my favorite simplest lanterns. It makes use of pressed ferns which look remarkably like little evergreen trees. While some ferns die back in the winter, there are a number that are evergreen, so take a look around for some ferns growing even if it's the dead of winter. These lanterns use the simple jar method and are quick and easy for kids to put together. If you are looking for a more elaborate lantern, I have tons of lantern ideas here. Light up the longest night with beautiful lantern! Snowy Winter Tree Lanterns We used a punch to make the snowflakes, but you could also cut them from folded paper. My son made yet another lantern from the paper the snowflakes were cut from…
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2023 Winter Solstice Countdown Calendar

2023 Winter Solstice Countdown Calendar

Craft Project, Free Printable, Play, Recipes, Winter, Winter Solstice
Countdown to the Winter Solstice with activities, recipes and crafts. Come back each day for a new surprise! The doors won't open until the correct day (So 1 opens on December 1st, on December 5th you'll be able to open 1-5, etc.) The calendar includes two exclusive excerpts from my Winter Solstice book that will only be available through this calendar and only in December 2023. Click on the image below to go to the calendar!! (This will take you to a new window) Click once to open the door and click a second time to open the tutorial. Happy Winter Solstice! Click Here for the materials list-- there are some spoilers here, but I tried my best to give you the info you needed without spoilers!
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Scented Window Star Diffusers

Scented Window Star Diffusers

Craft Project, Play, Winter, Winter Solstice
Waldorf style window stars make a beautiful decoration this time of year, but I wanted something more. I decided to use them essentially a diffuser for holiday scents. They looks stunning and fill your home with gentle scent. To make these stars you will fold them the same way you would standard window stars, but you can’t use the traditional kite paper because it will repel the oil. (Kite paper is coated in wax.) Instead use regular tissue paper, which you can cut into squares yourself or you can find tissue paper for floats which conveniently comes in pre-cut 5.5 x 5x5” squares. (This is what I used) This is a great kid project and a fun way to involve littles in holiday preparations. Adding some paper snowflakes to the…
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