Hot Chocolate Hike

Hot Chocolate Hike

Hibernation Celebration, Hike Ideas, Recipes, Winter, Winter Solstice
There is nothing more exciting them packig up a thermos of hot chocolate and going on a winter hike. I like to choose routes that I know will have a place to sit down partway through, because while we usually have no problems sitting on the ground, in winter that can be too cold. We always bring these handy collapsible cups to make serving easier. (And they are infinately entertaining on their own.
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Hibernation Party!!

Hibernation Party!!

Craft Project, Hibernation Celebration, Learning, Nature Art, Play, Winter
Maybe you've been learning about hibernation all week... maybe you just like a good party. Either way, a hibernation party is a ton of fun!! This is a great party to have with friends right before winter break (which is what we usually do) or a fun way to celebrate winter in January. Check out the Hibernation Celebration page for some more ways to learn about hibernation or just dive right into the snacks! Below there are ideas for: storing up for the winter (snacks), making your den cozy (activities) and training for hibernation (games). Store up for Winter Mobile Hibernation Snack Necklace One of the most important parts of hibernation is storing up tons of food and you never know when you might get hungry! Cue the mobile hibernation…
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What is a Hibernation Celebration?

What is a Hibernation Celebration?

Craft Project, Hibernation Celebration, Learning, Nature Art, Nature Collection, Play, Winter
Every winter we have a "Hibernation Celebration" both at school and at home. What is a Hibernation Celebration pray tell? It's a super fun way celebrate the winter holidays in a non-denominational nature focused way. It can be a full lesson block with academic content the way we do at school or it can just be a fun party. We usually celebrate at the end of December right before winter break (otherwise known as the perfect time to hibernate...) but this is a great topic for January or February-- or any snowy cold month really. If you want to skip to party ideas click here. For all of my Hibernation content click here. When we celebrate hibernation at school it isn't just a straightforward scientific discussion of bears in caves.…
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Hibernating Seed Bears

Hibernating Seed Bears

Craft Project, Garden, Hibernation Celebration, Nature Art, Play, Winter
Many animals hibernate this time of year, and while plants don't hibernate exactly, many of them do go dormant which is similar. We observe a "Hibernation Celebration" each year in December as school winds down and we prepare for our quiet period of sorts. This year we made these sweet little seed bears with seeds tucked inside sleeping away the winter and waiting for spring. We chose seeds that are food for or have value to small mammals so that they wouldn't just look like sleeping animals, but actually help animals! I couldn't find a sleeping bear mold so we made these by hand which is time consuming, but feels right for this sleepy season. You could also try using bee friendly plants with a bee mold or swampy loving…
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Chrysalis Sleeping Bags

Chrysalis Sleeping Bags

Craft Project, Hibernation Celebration, Learning, Nature Art, Nature Collection, Winter
I was so inspired by this artwork from photographer Levon Biss that I knew I needed to come up with a project about insect hibernation. My brain immediately went to chrysalis sleeping bags because a chrysalis is in a way a tiny sleeping bag, and the patterns on these are so beautiful I though they would be amazing inspiration. First things first, insects don't technically hibernate. Many are inactive during the winter and undergo a state in which their growth, development, and activities are suspended temporarily, with a metabolic rate that is high enough to keep them alive. This dormant condition is termed diapause. We made our sleeping bags on a small scale for stuffies, but this would a fantastic project for an older student (or grown up...) at full…
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Hibernation Week Pie

Hibernation Week Pie

Cold Moon, Full Moon, Hibernation Celebration, Recipes, Winter Portfolio
Cold Moon hibernation pie!! The December Full moon is most often described as the Cold Moon. In my mind the Cold Moon is always linked to hibernation— my school has a week-long hibernation celebration every year in December that culminates in a Cold Moon Hibernation Party. Everyone learns about different aspects of hibernation, coziness and staying warm from straightforward activities like building shelters and learning about how animals survive to more abstract ideas of home and hearth. The fourth grade makes candles as a part of their colonial america studies and fifth grade makes hibernation snacks to eat while observing the stars. It’s a delightful way to celebrate the winter holidays and to prepare for a long winters nap.
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